Snape kills dumbledore

Snape kills dumbledore. Although Snape's knowledge of the Dark Arts enabled him to slow the spread of the curse, the curse would have ultimately killed Dumbledore within a year. The act is swift and merciful, sparing Dumbledore from the agonizing death that the curse on the Horcrux ring would have eventually inflicted. It's a truly shocking moment and it's not until the following With a heavy heart, Snape kills Dumbledore. Along with this, the Hogwarts Headmaster was about to die and with this act, he would prove his loyalty one more time. Wait, why does he do that? Let's find out. Hagrid does not believe Harry and leads him back to Hogwarts, where the students are assembling on the lawn, still unsure what has happened. Dumbledore, aware that Voldemort had ordered Draco to kill him, asked Snape to kill him instead as a way of sparing the boy's soul and of preventing his own otherwise slow, painful death. "Snape Kills Dumbledore" is a viral spoiler about the 6th book in the Harry Potter series involving the death of Dumbledore, the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry headmaster and one of the major protagonists in the series. . Severus Snape killed the Hogwarts Headmaster because he was asked to do it by Dumbledore. When Snape killed Dumbledore, he cast the Killing Curse, fueled by the words Avada Kedavra. Toward the end of 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,' Snape shockingly kills Dumbledore. Despite being unforgivable, Avada Kedavra provided the victim with a quick and painless death, meaning that Snape actually ended Dumbledore's suffering — a form of magical euthanasia. Severus Snape killed the Hogwarts Headmaster because he was asked to do it by Dumbledore. After passing information to the Dark Lord that led to Voldemort trying to kill Harry and successfully killing Lily and James, Snape vows to keep Lily's son safe, which he does for the rest of When Draco Malfoy finds himself unable to strike down his headteacher, Professor Severus Snape takes control of the situation and kills Dumbledore himself. Hagrid spots the Dark Mark over the Astronomy Tower and notices a body lying in the grass—Dumbledore. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince saw the death of Albus Dumbledore at the hands of Severus Snape – but why did he kill him? Harry tells Hagrid that Snape killed Dumbledore. glrjx krl oygy omr ugvw alcyr okhep llq vne rfut
